Monday, January 7, 2013!!

No, this is not the story of any pet fish I had, I am not a pet person actually, get bored with things fast( which means that any fish I have had would have met with a tragic end, probably in some cat's belly..).

This is about my long standing aversion to eating fish, or may be smelling cooked fish, or even seeing raw fishes in the fish markets.

I don't remember how it started, I remember watching my aaya(mother is and was a teacher, so I had personal aaya) cleaning fish. Back then we had fish in our household often enough. I remember sitting on ground next to her, scrutinizing every single detail of gutting the fish, you clean away scales, fins and tail, remove the head,throw it to some crow or cat whichever creature that was present during the ceremony, make a long cut, take out all the innards, throw that too to hungry animals or birds(at regular interval there will be a fight over the piece, they never really got the idea of sharing, or waiting for the next piece, blame the evolution I suppose). She sometimes used to show me the eggs of fishes, and if I remember correctly, I used to eat it, then, way back then.

But somehow, as I grew, the repulsion towards the smell grew, be it raw, cooking, I have a hard time standing the smell. And, since I threw such a fit over it, cooking fish at home became a rare thing (talk about influencing people, I think you can imagine the extend of "fit" I threw ;)).

And, after that I grew up a little more, stopped throwing fits, and the fish came back into the house. But I wouldn't try it, touch it, or even touch the scrubber that had been used to clean the fish dish. And yesterday again, we had fish, so it got me to thinking, why do I hate it so much..! Yes, I am picky eater(that is the single and the only reason why I did not apply to discovery, national geo, tlc channels for hosting those shows where you can travel around the world with a camera person with you, you'd have to sample the local cuisine, I cannot manage the native ones, yet alone the world wide ones :(). I decide whether or not to eat a dish by looking at it, if it doesn't look eatable to me, I will not try it. My mother have tried the line "taste it, then keep away" at me from the time I can remember. But nothing will make me taste it, unless ofcourse it has chicken as main ingredient. Now that I am eligible for getting married off, her favourite line now is "what will you do at your husband's home, they won't let this get by". (The answer to that question is really simple, my future husband's folks, please let me be me. I promise that I will not make you eat anything you don't want to, so please return the courtesy.)

But then again, back to the question, why do I hate it so much? They say you don't need a reason to love something, but when it comes to hating something, you should have a reason. In future, if my husband does turn out to be the fish person, I think I may need to be hypnotized or something, to get me anywhere near fish. Again, but, wouldn't it be easier to give up something than starting something? No, even in writing, that phrase looked weird. mm.. lets hope that my future will be fish free, or maybe I should have a nice counselor's number with me, just in case, any suggestions?

P.S: It's indeed a medical condition. I googled "hate fish". And, weirdly they have fish recipes for people who hate fish..! Seriously, are you kidding me..?!?!?!